Leetcode Competitive programming- Important DSA Interview Questions
- Dynamic Programming
- Fibonacci Number/ Series
- Climbing Stairs (70)
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (300)
- Maximum Subarray Sum
- Coin Change (322)
- Longest Common Subsequence (1143)
- Edit Distance (72)
2. Strings
- Reverse String
- Valid Palindrome
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (3)
- Group Anagrams
- Longest Palindrome Substring
3. Arrays
- Two Sum (1)
- Three Sum
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- Maximum Subarray (53)
- Container With Most Water
- Rotate Array
- Merge Intervals (56)
- Product of Array Except Self (238)
4. Trees
- Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
- Validate Binary Search Tree (98)
- Symmetric Tree
- Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
- Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (235)
- Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum (124)
- Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (94)
5. Graphs
- Number of Islands (200)
- Course Schedule (207)
- Word Ladder (127)
- Clone Graph (133)
- Network Delay Time
- Graph Valid Tree (261)
6. Sorting & Searching
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Binary Search
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- First Bad Version
- Minimum Size Subarray Sum
7. Divide and Conquer
- Kth Largest Element in an Array (215)
- Find Peak Element (162)
- Majority Element (169)
8. Greedy Algorithms
- Gas Station (134)
- Jump Game (55)
- Partition Labels (763)
- Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons (452)
- Assign Cookies (455)
9. Backtracking
- Subsets (78)
- Permutations (46)
- Combination Sum (39)
- N-Queens (51)
- Word Search (79)
10. Heaps
- Merge k Sorted Lists (23)
- Top k Frequent Elements (347)
- Find Median from Data Stream (295)
- Kth Largest Element in an Array (215)
- Sliding Window Median (480)
11. Stacks & Queues
- Valid Parentheses (20)
- Implement Queue using Stacks (232)
- Min Stack (155)
- Largest Rectangle in Histogram (84)
- Sliding Window Maximum (239)
12. Linked Lists
- Reversed Linked List (206)
- Merge Two Sorted Lists (21)
- Detect Cycle in a Linked List (141)
- Remove Nth Node From End of List (19)
Top 10 Most Asked Leetcode DSA Questions
- Two Sum with all Aproaches
- Buy & Sell Stock sell
- Target Sum
- LRU Cache
- Merge Intervals
- Detect Cycle
- Maximum Subarray
- Number of Islands
- Path with Minimum Effort
- Trapping Rain Water
- Word Break
- Candy
- Copy List with Random Pointer
- Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
- Count Primes
- Implement Trie
- Maximal Rectangle
- Edit Distance
- Triangle